General Booking Conditions



1.1. The following general conditions ("General Conditions") govern and are an integral part of the service agreement entered into between Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, headquartered at Canada do Barreiro, nº 15, 9700-027 Angra do Heroísmo, with the NIPC 515411264 and the guest who signs the contract (“Guest”), which has as its object the provision of tourist accommodation reservation services (“Accommodation”) and respective subsidiary tourist services in tourist resorts, local accommodation and, in general, , in hotel units (“Hotels”) owned and/or operated by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel.

1.2. The conclusion of the Contract, which takes place after confirmation of the reservation through the Site, is carried out under the terms of these General Conditions, whose knowledge and acceptance by the Guest are manifested through the validation of the check box for this purpose in the reservation form, being also the Guest's knowledge and acceptance of the Website's Terms and Conditions of Use and respective Privacy Policy.


2.1. When booking any reservation, the Guest must correctly fill in the respective form, indicating, in particular, the Accommodation, departure, arrival and departure dates - always subject to confirmation of availability by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel -, as well as their personal data and payment information, being fully responsible for the choices made and for the information provided, which must be complete, true and updated.

2.2. With the confirmation of the reservation details by the Guest, a reservation code is assigned to them, which must be referenced in all contacts with Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel.

2.3. The Guest is fully responsible for obtaining and/or hiring means of transport that allow them to enjoy the contracted services, without prejudice to the Guest being able to hire this service from Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel independently (if available and considering the latter accept).

2.4. Likewise, the Guest assumes full responsibility for possessing and/or obtaining the necessary documents (such as identification documents, authorizations, visas and vaccination certificates) for entry into the country and/or location of the Hotel where the Accommodation is located or where you make a stopover during the trip purchased, and you must inform yourself, in good time, when you have only booked Accommodation. Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel assumes no responsibility for the refusal to grant visas or entry permits to the guest in any country, in which case the provisions of section 10 apply.

2.5. For the accommodation of a minor guest, when unaccompanied by legal representatives, it is necessary to present a declaration authorizing the accommodation signed by the legal representatives, and the reservation must be made by them.

2.6. No refunds are due for goods and/or services that, although made available to the guest, the guest chooses not to take advantage of or use.


3.1. Depending on the agreements entered into by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel with third parties (“Partners”) and which are in force at the time of booking by the Guest, the latter may have access to discounts and special rates (“Benefits”) when making the reservation, as long as they are fully authorized by the Partner to obtain the Benefits and correctly introduce their identification number. Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel reserves the right to contact the Partner to obtain confirmation as to the applicability of the Benefits to a guest.

3.2. In addition to the provisions of clause 3.1., Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel may carry out on the Site, with a limited scope or not, certain promotions ("Promotions") and discounts ("Discounts") on reservations made by guests.

3.3. The following conditions apply to Benefits, Promotions and Discounts:

i) For the benefit of certain Promotions and/or Discounts, the Guest may be asked to enter a promotional code (“Promotional Code”) or to prepay the reservation;

ii) Benefits, Promotions and Discounts are subject to availability confirmation;

iii) Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel reserves the right to cancel the Benefits, Promotions and/or Discounts or to reject a Promotional Code when the total value of the Promotional Codes already used exceeds a certain financial value or when they are used fraudulently (namely, by anyone who is not its owner/beneficiary);

iv) The Benefits, Promotions and Discounts are only valid for reservations made through the Site / direct email and are not transferable to third parties;

v) In case of cancellation or non-use of a reservation made within the scope of a Benefit, Promotion or Discount, the value of the Benefit, Promotion or Discount will not be refunded, nor will its reapplication in another reservation be guaranteed;

vi) If there is a change, on the Guest's initiative, of the characteristics and/or ownership of a reservation made within the scope of a Benefit, Promotion or Discount, the Guest may lose the benefit/perk granted by the reservation, applying the provisions, in case of withdrawal, in section 10;

vii) The use of fraudulent mechanisms to obtain Benefits, Promotions or Discounts makes the Guest responsible, in general terms, and gives Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel the right to choose between (a) the application of the rate without discount and (b) ) the termination of the Contract, this resolution being equated, as to the consequences that arise from it, to the termination of the Contract by the Guest under the terms of clause 10.1, without prejudice to the right of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel to be compensated for all damages suffered ;

viii) Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel reserves the right to cancel and/or change the Benefits, Promotions and Discounts at any time.


Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the price of the reservation also includes taxes legally due (including, namely, Value Added Tax), which will be charged by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel to the Guest together with the reservation at the legal rate in force, according to the contracted services.


5.1. The making of reservations, changes to them, late check-ins or late chack-outs and cancellations may be subject to the payment of fees charged by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel to the Guest, calculated according to the type of reservation, the date of its realization (or the respective change or cancellation) and of the applicable rate, to be disclosed at the time of booking by the Guest.

5.2. The fees are due for each reservation made, in return for the availability of online reservation services by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel to the Guest, being debited at the time of payment of the reservation by the Guest.


6.1. The characteristics of the Hotel and Accommodation are those stated in the reservation. However, since the photographs of the Hotel were not taken on the day the Guest made the reservation, there may be non-substantial differences between the photograph and the reality on the date of enjoyment of the services contracted by the Guest, which do not give the Guest the right to any modification of the Agreement.

6.2. The prices shown are per room or bed; however, they may be shown per person or depending on other characteristics, which, in any case, will be duly indicated on the Website when making a reservation. If it is possible to make a reservation for a number of people greater than the normal capacity of the Accommodation, an extra bed may have to be placed, which may not have the same comfort and quality as the other beds in the Accommodation, reducing its useful area, the same with children's beds.

6.3. Food regimes and their specificities are communicated to the Guest through the Website when making a reservation.

6.4. If the Guest shows up with more people than those indicated in the reservation to use the Accommodation, those responsible for the Accommodation may refuse entry, a situation for which Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel cannot be held responsible.

6.5. If there is an overbooking situation (that is, more reservations than available Accommodations) at the Hostel where the Accommodation booked by the Guest is inserted, the Guest expressly acknowledges and accepts that Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel may place them in another Accommodation belonging to or not to Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, of the same category (in any case, ensuring that the quality of the Accommodation provided is not inferior to that of the Accommodation booked by the Guest), without additional costs for the Guest, and without, for that reason, the latter being entitled to any indemnity or termination of the Agreement.

6.6. As a rule, the Accommodation can be used from 2:00 pm on the day of arrival and must be left free before 11:00 am on the day of departure (in both cases, at the local time of the respective Hostel).

6.7. If the Guest does not show up at the Hostel until 23:59 on the check-in date indicated on the proof of booking, the Hostel may disregard the reservation and sell the Accommodation to third parties, a situation for which Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel cannot be held responsible.

6.8. If the Guest does not return to the Service Provider the rooms/beds contracted in the Accommodation Unit, object of the contract, by 11:00 am on the day of departure, the Service Provider will be entitled to the daily payment of the amount corresponding to the Guest's stay until they deliver the rooms/beds contracted in the Accommodation Unit, object of this contract.

6.9. The Guest must comply with the Hostel's Internal Regulation, if any, and Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel cannot be held responsible for damages suffered by the Guest as a result of the violation thereof.

6.10. The Guest undertakes not to make imprudent use of the property where the establishment is located.

6.11. Reckless use, which leads to damage to the facilities, equipment, towels, sheets and other items provided in the Hostel's space, will result in a fee, calculated according to its nature and size. If the damage caused prevents the reception of guests expected for the same day of check-out or the following day, the amount of the reservation that is prevented from using the space will also be charged.

6.12. After the guest receives the alert that the use of the accommodation and everything that is included in it is being imprudent, and even though he has paid the respective fee for violating the house rules and inappropriate behavior, verifying that the situation/ inappropriate behavior remains, the accommodation reserves the right to expel the guest and additional guests without any right to reimbursement of the amount of the stay or fees already paid.

6.13. The Guest undertakes to tolerate any improvements that the First Party wants to make to the property during their stay.


7.1. The Guest must pay the amount indicated on the booking form, as a prerequisite, in order to be able to enjoy the contracted reservation.

7.2. Payment for the reservation can be made by the Guest (i) on the Website, on the date the reservation is made, or (ii) at the Hostel, on the date of entry into the Accommodation (if this modality is available for the type of reservation made by the Guest).

7.3. If the Guest chooses to pay for the reservation at the time of booking, they must do so using a credit card owned by them, within the list of issuing entities with which Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel collaborates and which is made available in the registration form, the payment being accepted by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel within the limits authorized by the issuing entities.

7.4. Alternatively, if the Guest intends to pay the reservation only at the Hostel, they may do so under the terms permitted by the Hostel, and should inform themselves, in a timely manner, with the Hostel about which payment methods are accepted. Nevertheless, they will always be asked by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, when making the reservation on the Website, for the information alluding to the credit card, for the purpose of guaranteeing the reservation, and Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel undertakes to debit it, for the amounts indicated in the chapter referring to “Cancellations”, depending on the applicable cases.

7.5. The credit card information entered by the Guest is protected under the terms of the Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel Privacy Policy.


8.1. After booking accommodation, the Guest may, at any time, withdraw from the reservation and terminate the Contract, provided that they communicate it to Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, up to 7 days before the date of entry indicated on the proof of reservation, in which case they are entitled to a refund of the amounts paid for the reservation made.

8.2. After and including the seventh day before the check-in date indicated on the proof of booking, any cancellation will be charged in full.

8.3. Any "no-shows" (guaranteed rooms that are not occupied on the day of arrival) will be billed based on 100% of the stay.

8.4. During the high season and whenever Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel deems it necessary, for direct bookings, other payment/cancellation conditions may be applied, which will be communicated directly to the interested party through the means of communication used.


9.1. When, for reasons not attributable to it, Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel cannot fulfill obligations arising from the Contract, it must immediately notify the Guest of this impossibility.

9.2. If the impossibility concerns any essential obligation, the Guest may terminate the Agreement without any penalty or accept, in writing, an amendment to the Agreement and any change in price.

9.3. The Guest must inform Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel of their decision, within 3 working days after receiving the notification from Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, implying, if nothing is said, that they agree with the change.


10.1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel is not responsible for damages that may arise from any unforeseen circumstances or that are beyond its control, and also expressly and by way of example: delays or blockages of the network, interference, interruptions, viruses, malfunctions and/or disconnections in the operational functioning of the Site or in the Guest's computer equipment and devices, or any other anomalous functioning of the reservation service due to causes beyond its control and which prevent the reservation from being made.

10.2. The Guest is liable to Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel under Portuguese Law.

10.3. The Guest is responsible for the payment of damages caused to the property, either by themselves or by a person to whom accommodation services are provided under this contract and attributable to them, other than those resulting from normal and prudent use.


The responsibility of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, arising from the obligations assumed before the Guest, is guaranteed by a civil liability insurance contracted with Certezza – Sociedade Mediadora de Seguros Lda, with policy no. 009048088, in the amount EUR 546,000.


When filling out the reservation form, the guest will be asked for certain data that can identify them ("Personal Data"), which will be collected by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, in strict compliance with the Law and in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy from the Website.


All communications or notifications within the scope of the Agreement must be made using the information provided by the Guest via the email


Casa dos Reis – Boutique Hostel has a Complaints Book at the reception desk and online.


15.1. ANTÓNIO REIS MAIO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA. is responsible for the processing of guests' personal data, which it has by virtue of its activity.

15.2. Personal data is all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, regardless of the medium on which they are stored; being considered identifiable a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier - such as, for example, a name, an identification number, location data, identifiers electronically, the IBAN, height, weight, address or to one or more specific elements of the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

15.3. In compliance with the provisions of article 13, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the General Data Protection Regulation (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016), we transmit to guests the following information:

15.4. Identity and contact of the data controller

15.4.1. ANTÓNIO REIS MAIO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA., headquartered at Canada do Barreiro, n.º 15, 9700-027, Angra do Heroísmo, with the email address:, is responsible for the processing of personal data.

15.5. The purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended, as well as the legal basis for the processing

15.5.1. The purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended are the following:

a) Drafting of an employment and service contract;

b) Compliance with legal and contractual obligations incumbent on ANTÓNIO REIS MAIO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA., such as the provision of information to public and private entities, namely:

c) Calculation and payment of remunerations, ancillary benefits, other allowances and gratuities, as well as calculation of compensation resulting from termination of contract or provision of services;

d) Calculation, withholding tax and operations relating to mandatory or optional discounts on remuneration, resulting from a legal provision;

e) Carrying out non-nominative statistical operations related to the processing of wages within the scope of the processing entity;

f) Instruction of disciplinary procedures and verification of attendance at the workplace.

15.6. The legal grounds for the processing of data, pursuant to article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation, are as follows:

15.7. Data Recipients

In addition to the entities and institutions referred to in point II, b), ANTÓNIO REIS MAIO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA. is also recipient of the data.

15.8. Data Retention Deadlines

15.8.1. All personal data of the Data Subject will be deleted as soon as the purposes for which they were processed cease, except in the following situations:

15.9. Right of Access to Data

The Data Subject has the right to request ANTÓNIO REIS MAIO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA. access to personal data concerning them, as well as its rectification or erasure, and the limitation of the treatment as far as the Data Subject is concerned, or the right to oppose the treatment, as well as the right to data portability.

15.10. Right to Withdraw Consent

Since the processing of personal data is based on consent, the Data Subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without compromising the lawfulness of the treatment carried out based on the consent previously given.

15.11. Right to File a Complaint with a Control Authority

The Data Subject has the right to be notified, under the terms set out in the General Data Protection Regulation, in the event of a breach of their personal data, and may file complaints before a supervisory authority, such as the National Data Protection Commission.

15.12. Obligation to communicate personal data

The communication of personal data, by the Data Subject, constitutes a pre-contractual requirement necessary for the consideration of the curriculum in the recruitment process, as well as it is a contractual requirement necessary for the conclusion and execution of an employment contract or the provision of services. with the Collaborators.

15.13. Automated Decisions/Profiling

The Data Subject's personal data will not be used for decision-making purposes solely on the basis of automated processing, including profiling, that produces effects in their legal sphere or that significantly affects them in a similar way.

16. General Provisions

16.1. Once the Contract has been entered into, it can only be amended in writing, by document signed by the Guest and by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, which becomes an integral part of it.

16.2. The provisions of these General Conditions may be changed at any time by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, for future legal relations, without prior notice. As such, whenever one makes a reservation, and even if one frequently uses the Website, one must read them in full.

16.3. In the event of a conflict between the Terms of Use and other specific provisions or specific terms and conditions existing on the Site relating to certain materials, these shall prevail.

16.4. The non-exercise or non-immediate application of rights or provisions by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, provided for in the Terms of Use, should not be interpreted as a waiver of them.

16.5. The Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between the User and Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel regarding the use and consultation by the User of the Site and the Services, and regulate their use (excluding any Services that may be provided by Casa dos Reis Reis - Boutique Hostel, under a separate written agreement), replacing, in full, any previous agreements established between the User and Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel in relation to the Website and the Services.

16.6. The invalidity, declared by a final court or arbitration decision, of any provision of the Terms of Use does not determine the invalidity of the others, and Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel reserves the right, if applicable, to modify the Terms of Use in conformity, in order to make up for the invalidity.

16.7. Any notifications and communications from Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel to the User under the Terms of Use should preferably be made to the email address or address provided by the User, without prejudice to Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel being able to use other elements and forms of contact.

16.8. Any notifications, communications and complaints from the User must be made, preferably, to the email


The Agreement is governed by the laws of the Republic of Portugal.

For the resolution of any disputes arising from the validity, execution, execution, non-compliance, termination or interpretation of the Contract, the Court with jurisdiction over the Municipality of Angra do Heroísmo is exclusively competent, without prejudice to the mandatory legal rules applicable.


- Identity of the service provider: ANTÓNIO REIS MAIO, UNIPESSOAL, LDA., headquartered at Canada do Barreiro, no. 15, 9700-027, Angra do Heroísmo, with IBAN number 515411264, email address

- Address of the Establishment “Casa dos Reis”: Rua Recreio dos Artistas, nº 25, 9700-160 Angra do Heroísmo;

- Essential features of the service: Local accommodation with double and single rooms, single beds and bunk beds;

- 2023 Pricingfor direct bookings on the Hostel website (, at the counter or by phone + 351 961 131 098, excluding VAT.

Period from January 1st to March 31st and November 1st to December 31st:

Room P1 (double) - 1 person……………………………………………………………………………………………44.00€

Room P1 (double) - 2 people……………………………………………………………………………………………54.00€

Room P2 (double deluxe) - 1 person..………………………………………………………………………………50.00€

Room P2 (double deluxe) - 2 people..………………………………………………………………………………60.00€

Room P3 (double)  - 1 person.…………………………………………………….……………………………………44.00€

Room P3 (double)  - 2 people.…………………………………………………….……………………………………54.00€

Dormitory C1 – 4 beds………………………………………………………………………………………………………25.00€

Dormitory C2 – 6 beds………………………………………………………………………………………………………25.00€

Period from April 1st to May 31st:

Room P1 (double) - 1 person……………………………………………………………………………………………50.00€

Room P1 (double) - 2 people……………………………………………………………………………………………60.00€

Room P2 (double deluxe) - 1 person..………………………………………………………………………………60.00€

Room P2 (double deluxe) - 2 people..………………………………………………………………………………70.00€

Room P3 (double) - 1 person……………………………………………………………………………………………50.00€

Room P3 (double)  - 2 people.…………………………………………………….……………………………………60.00€

Dormitory C1 – 4 beds………………………………………………………………………………………………………28.50€

Dormitory C2 – 6 beds………………………………………………………………………………………………………28.50€

Period from June 1st to August 31st:

Room P1 (double) - 1 person……………………………………………………………………………………………55.00€

Room P1 (double) - 2 people……………………………………………………………………………………………65.00€

Room P2 (double deluxe) - 1 person…………………………………………………..……………………………67.00€

Room P2 (double deluxe) - 2 people..………………………………………………………………………………77.00€

Room P3 (double) - 1 person.………….…………………………………………….…………………………………55.00€

Room P3 (double)  - 2 people.…………………………………………………….……………………………………65.00€

Dormitory C1 – 4 beds………………………………………………………………………………………………………32.00€

Dormitory C2 – 6 beds………………………………………………………………………………………………………35.00€

Period from September 1st to October 31st:

Room P1 (double) - 1 person………………………………………….………………………...………………………45.00€

Room P1 (double) - 2 people……………………………………………………………………………………………55.00€

Room P2 (double deluxe) - 1 person…………………………………..……………………………………………55.00€

Room P2 (double deluxe) - 2 people..………………………………………………………………………………65.00€

Room P3 (double) - 1 person.…..………………………………………………………………………………………45.00€

Room P3 (double)  - 2 people.…………………………………………………….……………………………………55.00€

Dormitory C1 – 4 beds………………………………………………………………………………………………………27.00€

Dormitory C2 – 6 beds………………………………………………………………………………………………………27.00€

Supplementary information:

Children under 4 years old are not allowed.

Children over 5 years old do not have a special rate.

The rate always includes buffet breakfast.

- Payment method: in cash or by bank transfer;

The service will be provided on the dates indicated in the reservation, having the respective duration, and may be extended by written agreement with the Service Provider;

The establishment “Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel” has a Complaints Book;

Under the terms of article 17, no. 1, al. k), of DL no. 24/2014, of February 14, this reservation is not covered by the right of free resolution;

The guest undertakes to:

  1. Not to make an imprudent use of the property where the establishment is located, nor to include in the accommodation a number of people greater than the agreed upon without the consent of the First Party;
  2. Tolerate any improvements that the First Party wants to make to the property during its stay;
  3. Not provide a third party with the use of the property, unless the First Party authorizes it;
  4. Return the rooms/beds hired in the accommodation unit at the end of the contract.

- If the Guest does not return to the Service Provider the rooms/beds contracted in the Accommodation Unit, object of the contract, by 11:00 am on the day of departure, the Service Provider will be entitled to the daily payment of the amount corresponding to the Guest's stay until they deliver the rooms/beds contracted in the Accommodation Unit, object of this contract.

- The Guest is responsible for the payment of damages caused to the property, either by themselves or by a person to whom accommodation services are provided under this contract and attributable to them, other than those resulting from normal and prudent use;

- The Service Provider undertakes to maintain the property in conditions suitable for the accommodation of the Guest and persons to whom accommodation services are provided under this contract.

- When making the reservation online, the Consumer agrees that the aforementioned information will be provided through the web address where the reservation was made, as well as its content.

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