Sobre Nós

The Casa dos Reis Boutique Hostel is a family house, full of history, located in the heart of the city of Angra do Heroísmo, which is situated in Terceira Island, Azores Archipelago - a pearl in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Angra do Heroísmo is a city which was classified as UNESCO's World Heritage, since 1983. Its streets are filled with colorful houses drawn over a little bay, hiding stories that go far back to the Portuguese Discoveries and make this place impossible not to visit and provide it with an unmistakable atmosphere.

Around us, everything is rich in life and our house is a part of this journey: here lived Pedro de Merelim - military, historian and ethnographer of the Azores -, which developed an important work of investigation of Azores' history and local traditions, with a voluminous work concerning those themes published, amongst which were articles, reports, travel chronicles and so many others, here, in Continental Portugal and in Guinea Bissau. Having passed away in 2003, bequeathed its vast assets, in live, to Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Angra do Heroísmo.

Pedro de Merelim is the mythical author of the following quote: "E Portugal já foi só aqui!", result of one of the most incredible Portuguese stories of bravery -  read the story. Because of all this, he was honored in various ways - including by receiving an identification plate of his address, which you can find fixed in the main door of our house.

If lots of things were written about the History of the Azores in this house, it was only in 1991 that the Reis family history started, when Werther Reis acquired this dwelling and returned to the street that saw him growing up.

With an immaculate career as a Civil Engineer serving the Heroism City Council, Werther Reis was one of the main figures of his city's infrastructure. He became one of the most influent figures amongst our people. He was part and helped found several local associations and businesses, having actually been named the president of Sport Clube Lusitânia in its golden age.

Father of two chilldren and grandfather of four grandchildren, he died at the age of 94, having always been an honest, remarkable and generous man and an exemplary head of the family. He always nourished a great affection for his city and for our street - Recreio dos Artistas -, place where he was born and where we are now.

And so we come to nowadays, where his eldest grandson now opens the doors of this noble home to all who visit Angra do Heroísmo. From Pedro de Merelim to Werther Reis, in this place inhabit untold stories to tell; tales from a rich past that now opens its doors to the future and the coming stories.

Our house is now your house. Enjoy our culture, our history and our gastronomic flavors, with the comfort, refinement and well-being typical of an Azorian house, in the heart of our city. Visit us and be a part of our story.

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