Terms and Conditions



1.1. Casa Reis - Boutique Hostel reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time, limiting itself to placing them as amended online on the Website www.casadosreihostel.com, being the User's sole responsibility to verify them when of each use. The use of the Site after the publication of the changes constitutes the proposal of the writing of the Terms of Use, after the publication of the changes. If you do not agree with the ones made or, in general, with the Terms of Use, you must immediately stop using the Site and the Services.

1.2. It is expressly prohibited to use the Site for purposes other than those for which the Site is intended, including illegal purposes or any other that may be considered harmful to the image of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel in the market. Usurpation, counterfeiting, use of usurped or counterfeit content, illegitimate identification and unfair competition are criminally punishable.


2.1. Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel reserves the right to (i) modify, add or remove parts of the Terms of Use at any time; (ii) modify or terminate the Services for any reason and without notice at all times. These changes will take effect from their placement on the Site or from the date of sending any communications onwards.


3.1. Ownership

3.1.1. All information contained on the Website and in the Services of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel and all data and information compiled by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel (such as data files, written text, Software, music, audio files or other sounds, photographs, videos or other images) to which you have access as part of the Services or through their use are considered contents of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel. The User is not allowed to modify, lease, lend, lend, sell, distribute or create a derivative work based on the aforementioned contents (partially or totally), unless expressly authorized in writing for this purpose by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel or by a third party that owns the respective intellectual property and personality rights.

3.1.2. The User further agrees not to remove, obscure or alter any intellectual property rights notices (including copyright and trademark notices) that may be affixed to or contained in the Services.

3.2. Brands and the like

3.2.1. Unless expressly authorized by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel to do so, nothing in the Terms of Use gives the User the right to use any of the registered trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other distinctive brand features of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel.


4.1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the services are provided "as is" and "as available" and Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel does not provide any type of guarantee in relation to them. In particular, Casa dos Reis- Boutique Hostel does not guarantee the user that (i) the use of the services will meet their needs or expectations; (ii) the use of the services is uninterrupted, or is punctual, secure or error-free; (iii) any information obtained as a result of using the services is accurate or reliable; and (iv) defects, if any, in the functioning or functionality of any software provided as part of the Services will be corrected.

4.2. Nothing in the terms of use shall affect the rights provided for by the applicable legislation to which the user is always entitled to, as a consumer, if it is in that capacity that he intervenes and relates to Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, and which, contractually, he cannot agree to change or to waive.

4.3. No recommendation or information, oral or written, from Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel should be interpreted as constituting a guarantee of any kind, unless expressly provided for in the Terms of Use.

4.4. In order to facilitate user accessibility, Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel may include links to websites that are owned or operated by third parties. When using links to these third party sites, the user must review and accept the rules of that site before using it. The User must also accept that Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel does not control the content of this website and cannot assume any responsibility for the materials created or published by these third party websites. Furthermore, a link to a website other than Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel does not mean that it supports the website or the products and services referenced therein.


5.1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel assumes no liability to the user for:

(i) any damages resulting from the use of the Website and Services, including booking travel and/or accommodation, as this service is provided by another entity independent of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel;

(ii) any damages resulting from: (a) any judgment by the User as to the integrity, accuracy or existence of any advertisement or any relationship or transaction carried out with any advertiser, whose advertising is displayed on the services of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel; (b) any changes that Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel may make to the Services or any permanent or temporary cessation of the provision of the Services (or any features of the Services); (c) the deletion, corruption or storage error of any content or other communications data maintained or transmitted by or through the use of the Services; (d) the direct or indirect violation of the Terms of Use; (e) failure to maintain the security and confidentiality of the password or user account details.

5.2. The responsibility of Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, as compensation for any damages arising and loss of profits related to the Site and the Services, caused by Casa dos Reis - Boutique Hostel, its representatives or assistants is limited to the cases in which it acts with intent or serious fault. If you disagree, in whole or in part, with the Site or the Services, or even with the Terms of Use, you only have the right to stop using the Site or the Services, as applicable.


6.1. Waste

6.1.1. Casa dos Reis – Boutique Hostel is committed to the global goals for the sustainability of the planet.

6.1.2. As for the garbage produced in the rooms, you should put your garbage in the existing containers in the room. If you want to collaborate in our waste recycling policy, you can place recyclable items directly in the garbage containers in the kitchen, under the sink, identified by colors in relation to the type of waste.

6.2. Coexistence

6.2.1. For the comfort and enjoyment of both guests and neighbors, noise levels must be kept to a minimum during quiet hours: between 9:00 pm and 8:00 am. This also applies when using balconies or outside spaces in the building.

6.2.2. Parties are not allowed at the accommodation, nor the permanence of people/guests who do not have a reservation made at the accommodation.

6.3. Home appliances

6.3.1. The use of the kitchen and its equipment is allowed at any time, always respecting the quiet hours, making as little noise as possible. You must use the equipment correctly - or request information, in case you do not know how to do it. Any damage caused to the equipment will be charged additionally.

6.4. General Services

6.4.1. Breakfast is served daily between 7:30 am and 10:30 am.

6.4.2. All services available free of charge – as listed on the Casa dos Reis – Boutique Hostel website – are available daily. Additionally, at reception, there are socket adapters for the equipment you might bring with you and a luggage storage (in case you want to keep it after check-out, until boarding time). To take advantage of these, just ask the receptionist.

6.4.3. All check-in and check-out times must be adhered to, so that all rooms can be properly cleaned and disinfected.

6.4.4. It is not allowed to smoke inside the building or the accommodation of people other than those who made the reservation.

6.4.5. Animals are not allowed to enter or stay in the accommodation.

6.4.6. All rooms have towels provided free of charge. It is not allowed to use them for cleaning make-up or other types of paints that use products that permanently damage the towels.  We also have a make-up remover kit free of charge so that bath towels are not used to remove make-up. Damage caused to towels will be charged additionally.

6.4.7. Reckless use, which leads to damage to the facilities, equipment, towels, sheets and other items provided in the Hostel's space, will result in a fee, calculated according to its nature and size. If the damage caused prevents the reception of guests expected for the same day of check-out or the following day, the amount of the reservation that is prevented from using the space will also be charged.

6.4.8. After the guest receives the alert that the use of the accommodation and everything that is included in it is being imprudent, and even though he has paid the respective fee for violating the house rules and inappropriate behavior, verifying that the situation/ inappropriate behavior remains, the accommodation reserves the right to expel the guest and additional guests without any right to reimbursement of the amount of the stay or fees already paid.


7.1. Check-in is from 14:00 to 17:00.

7.2. Check-out is until 11:00 am.

7.3. Other times only with prior scheduling and management approval and may be subject to a fee of €20.00, depending on whether or not an employee travels within the required hours.

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